Home > Lab Dental Waxes > Sculpturing Wax

Sculpturing Wax

Technical Application:

A versatile all-purpose crown and bridge carving wax used for the sculpturing of ceramic frameworks, inlays, onlays, full crown, implant, and partial denture patterns.

Working Properties:

A pure, ash-free wax. Excellent carving properties offer unique “porcelain-like” stacking characteristics for more control. The wax is strong and stable with excellent flow and contouring capabilities.

Product Description:

Available with an innovative Sticky Wax insert as well in 2.5 oz Tin.

Item# 6104:
Sculpturing Wax, Green
Item# 6015:
Sculpturing Wax, Blue
Item# 6108:
Sculpturing Wax, Green w/ Sticky
Item# 6109:
Sculpturing Wax, Blue w/ Sticky